TINARIWEN - at Club Barbés - Musikens Hus - Gothenburg

LES BOUKAKES at Club Barbés - Musikens Hus - Gothenburg


ALPHA OMEGA - Musikens Hus - Gothenburg

DARGA - Musikens Hus - Gothenburg

MAHALA RAI BANDA - Musikens Hus - Gothenburg

DON CARLOS - Musikens Hus - Gothenburg

NURU KANE - Musikens Hus - Gothenburg

SKATALITES - Musikens Hus - Gothenburg

VUSI MAHLASELA - Världens Bar - Gothenburg

THE DISCIPLES - Pustervik - Gothenburg

TAMIKREST : 07 mars 2014 Nefertiti - GÖTEBORG -SWEDEN
Club Barbes

Club Barbès was launched by Said and Andreas in collaboration with Musikens Hus. Club Barbès has been also involved in many concerts in collaboration with the best venues in Gothenburg such as Nefertiti, Storan, Göteborgs Konserthus, Maestro Entertainment (Stockholm), and Cosmopolite (Oslo) to name few.
Tinariwen, Skatalites, Les Boukakes, Alpha Omega (UK), Darga (Morocco), Amadou & Meriam, Orchestre National de Barbès (France-Algeria), Mahala Rai Banda, Don Carlos (Jamaica), Nomad Sound System (Germany), Nuru Kane (Senegal), Vusi Mahlasela (South Africa), Sierra Leone Refugees Allstars, Joujouka (Morocco), Tamikrest, Les filles de Tillighadad, Tartit, ( Mali ), etc., are just some of the many guests we have had over the years.